
Newsletter Announcements

Hello everyone! I hope you have a Beary good week.

Thank you to everyone for making Terri’s Bear Domain the Editors Pick for the second time.

And I hope you enjoy the new format of the newsletter.

My current membearship is 518

Thanks for joining..Please post your bearthday so we can celebearate!


Active bears in Northwest Florida roam for food in the spring

Florida’s black bears are seen regularly in the area during the spring as they search for food. The woods provide them with all the sustenance they need, from berries to seasonal plants, but if given the opportunity of easy pickings, bears will seek out residential areas for feasting.

When wildlife appears in residential communities, the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) urges residents to remove or secure anything that might attract animals, such as garbage cans, pet food, birdseed, outdoor grills and compost bins. A bear continues to come into an area after all attractants have been removed and creates problems for residents, then the FWC will consider trapping the bear.

“The best way to avoid conflicts with bears is to remove or secure anything that attracts them,” said Dave Telesco, the FWC’s Black Bear Management Program coordinator. “When bears lose their natural fear of people and associate homes with food, there aren’t many good options.”

The FWC provides several options to residents who wish to secure their garbage and other bear attractants at Large outdoor areas with bee yards or fruiting trees or bushes are best secured by using electric fencing. Garbage can be secured either with a bear-proof can (available through waste service providers), electric fencing, storing cans in a garage or sturdy building, or making a garbage-can shed or caddy.

It is important to use the following tips when building a caddy to be sure it has the best chances of defeating a hungry bear:
 Use pressure-treated ¾-inch plywood and 2 x 4 framing;
 Use heavy-duty hinges and latches;
 Use screws instead of nails; and
 Don’t leave any gaps where a bear can get its claw into it.

Remember, if you can get into the caddy by kicking or pushing it, it is not bear-resistant. Be sure the caddy is secured to the ground or building so it can’t be tipped over.

If the FWC determines a bear in a residential setting has become too comfortable around humans, the choice for euthanizing, rather than relocation, is the best decision.

“There is no hope for rehabilitating an adult bear back into the wild once it becomes habituated to humans,” Telesco said. “The bear will only leave the woods once again to find easy sources of food. Habituated bears have lost their fear of people, making them more dangerous than wild bears.”

If you do encounter a black bear at close range, the FWC advises you take the following precautions:
 Remain standing straight up;
 Back up slowly;
 Speak in a calm, assertive voice;
 Do not run or play dead; and
 Leave the bear a clear escape route.

Florida’s black bear population has expanded in recent years, and the FWC estimates there are 2,500-3,000 animals statewide. Loss of habitat from urban growth and the expansion of the bear population combine to cause bears to make forays into residential areas where they get into garbage, pet foods, birdseed, livestock feed and a host of other high-calorie foods, according to FWC biologists.

Even though the Florida black bear has increased in population in the past few decades, it is still considered a threatened species in Florida.
Residents can call the FWC’s Northwest Region office at 850-265-3676 if they have any questions about bears, or they can call the FWC's Wildlife Alert Hotline at 888-404-3922 to report wildlife conflicts.

Bear Link Of The Week

irst off, let me explain all the categories for those of you who are new to our page. You are now on the "What's New?"
or "Home" page of LaBears by Labbe'
This is where I will enable to explain who and what we are.
So bear with my monologue, please oh please!!

We must put all humour aside for the moment and discuss the necessities.
All prices will be listed and are in American dollars.
Pay Pal, Bank checks/drafts and Money orders are accepted.
please remember that there is a $25.00 shipping and handling charge
in North America.
International.....Actual shipping charge
Now back to the fun part.
The beginnings of a wonderful tour!!!!

You know I could go on forever on the What's New,
Instead however I will have "The Trudsky" put them
all on their appropriate pages.
This way there won't be sooooooooooo much duplicating.
Spin in and have a look see at
All the New Stuff!!!

We are always pleased to welcome you
to see us and Trudy latest creations.
Thanks bearry much for visiting us!!
Please don't forget to say hello to all my friends. :)

Now for all the info about the following pages

TinyTots are exactly that. Trudy's wee creations,
ranging in height from 1 1/2" to my size.
That would be 4" That's right! I am the big guy of the mini's.

Next on the agenda is the HalfPints ! These wonderbears are ranging in height, (you guessed it) from 4 1/2" to 9".

Upwards and onwards, I say. FullGrown. What can a guy say!
They are towering giants as far as I am concerned.
Of course; they start off at 91/2" and run to, hmmmm, let's say infinity.
As I'm sure Trudy has not quit at a designated height yet.

ClownBears (as far as I'm concerned) the best category yet.
Does that mean I'm up for the Oscar or something?

This category will contain all sizes providing they are clowns, jesters or the like!

BearBuddies? Yes, bears have friends too! Just like you peoples out there!

Bearennial Christmas? Just what it says. Christmas for the bears and such!!
All year long. Imagine that!! :)
There are reinbears, snowbears and whatever else Trudy may come up with.

Patterns and Kits: LaBears does have a few designs for you to try your own hand at. Wholesalers very welcome! Please contact us to place your order.

Last but not least is MailUs ! Do exactly that. Trudy just loves to hear
from all you bear lovers out there. You will see me and my mailbox
at various stages through out the pages.
Feel free to drop us a line at any time.

Thanksgibbing in Canada

Diz coming up Munday is a speshul day heer in Pot Koldbruin along the Laiks uv Eerie on da planes uv Kanada. We bears knoe diz cuz ebearywun of the big peeplz gets the day off frum working wearever thay works.

Diss haulliday iz kalled Tanksgibbing and apparently it iz to gib tanks to all the fuud that wuz planted in tha last yeer and harvested to bee soled at markets and grossery stores across the planes uv Kanada. Wutt peepls arr gibbing tanks fore wenn its spozed to be peeseful not maiks sense. Wutt Pip??? Reely?? Furrgit bowt gibbing tanks, its spozed to bee gibbing thanks for the fuud, not tanks.

Peeplz all across Kanada get togeddur wiff thair family and frenz and share fuud wiff their nayburrs, some uv which can’t alwaze eat as gud as their nayburs. Peeplz are spozed to give thanks for all the good food they get to eet all year long and for all the speshul peeplz in their lives.

Instedd of having ower Thanksgibbing in Novembrrrr like they do in the Yewknitted Stats of Abearika, we cellerbrate Thanksbigging on the sekund Monday of Oktober ebeary yeer due to the fakt that Kanada iz farther norff and is kolder than down souff. Also, we don’t get to grow food as long up heeer in Kanada so we have ower harvest celebearation sooner than in the Yeknitted Stats.

Even though the polar bears like Brrrrrt and Pippin and Bruford giggle and roll around on da flore, most of uz bears agree, espeshully the ones who hibearnate obur the wintur.

The bestest thing about Thanksgibbing is that there iz lotsa fuud like turkey and ham and slamon and korn on tha kob and rost beaf and honey and pumpkin pize and bunches of other yummy stuff. Mustur Frodo even not seems to mind uz bears being little piggys asking for sekund and third and forth helpings as long as we share wiff ower frends who not always get to eat as well all yeer round.

Eebun though peeplz in the Yewknitted Stats of Abearika and in Canada celebearate Thanksgibbing for diffrent reezuns and at diffrent times, we iz all thankful for all ower frenz and for all the food that we kan harvist during the yeer.

So make shur yu remembur to give thanks to your frenz and family and all the food yu get to eet during the yeer. And give all these speshul peeplz like Mustur Frodo ekstra big huggyz to show how much you are thankful they are there to help you out.

Meriadoc, the Frendly Grizzlee

Curly’s Corner

Skool Dayz

Yepperz, itz dat timez of yeer agin. Evrywun goez too da storez an gitz new klose an new shooz an notebookz an pensilz an gloo. Then on dat furzt day, yew goez too da korner an watez on da yeller bus wif da blinky litez an it takez yew too skool. Then yew git bookz an da teechurz ritez on da bord an yew gitz homeworkz. Yew lurn reedin an ritin an rithmatik an sience an pee eee. Yew gitz too eet there too. Yew kan bringz yewr own spam samwichez or yew kan eet da spam in da skool kafeteria. Then yew gitz da homewurk, ridez bak home on da yeller bus wif da blinky litez.

I dont know why I haz too goo too skool. I know mozt of evrything anywayz frum my doktur soos bookz an my aysop fabul bookz an my suthurn baptizt sundy skool kwarturlyz but Mummy sez I haz too goo anywayz. They will probly startz mee owt in da seventeenth gradez or sumthin.

Okidoki, now evrywun rememberz that dere iz skool zonez where yew goo slow soo yew dont run ovur da childrenz an yew muzt nevur evur pass da yeller skool buz when da litez bee blinkin. An yew childrenz muzt watch bof wayz beefore krossin da streetz an dont run between karz an stuff. An no telebishun till yewr homewurk iz doned!!!!!

Give lots of teddy bear hugs

Curly Bear

Henry’s Handiwork

What do you mean its time to go back to school! Summer just started!

Henry 'making daddee buy school supplies' Wayne

Bear Artist Of The Week

Special Thoughts

If you would like to join the new club that I started just click on

I hope you have enjoyed the newsletter!

Until next week

Beary Days

And remember

Bears Are People Too!

Email Me