
Bear Link Of The Week

irst off, let me explain all the categories for those of you who are new to our page. You are now on the "What's New?"
or "Home" page of LaBears by Labbe'
This is where I will enable to explain who and what we are.
So bear with my monologue, please oh please!!

We must put all humour aside for the moment and discuss the necessities.
All prices will be listed and are in American dollars.
Pay Pal, Bank checks/drafts and Money orders are accepted.
please remember that there is a $25.00 shipping and handling charge
in North America.
International.....Actual shipping charge
Now back to the fun part.
The beginnings of a wonderful tour!!!!

You know I could go on forever on the What's New,
Instead however I will have "The Trudsky" put them
all on their appropriate pages.
This way there won't be sooooooooooo much duplicating.
Spin in and have a look see at
All the New Stuff!!!

We are always pleased to welcome you
to see us and Trudy latest creations.
Thanks bearry much for visiting us!!
Please don't forget to say hello to all my friends. :)

Now for all the info about the following pages

TinyTots are exactly that. Trudy's wee creations,
ranging in height from 1 1/2" to my size.
That would be 4" That's right! I am the big guy of the mini's.

Next on the agenda is the HalfPints ! These wonderbears are ranging in height, (you guessed it) from 4 1/2" to 9".

Upwards and onwards, I say. FullGrown. What can a guy say!
They are towering giants as far as I am concerned.
Of course; they start off at 91/2" and run to, hmmmm, let's say infinity.
As I'm sure Trudy has not quit at a designated height yet.

ClownBears (as far as I'm concerned) the best category yet.
Does that mean I'm up for the Oscar or something?

This category will contain all sizes providing they are clowns, jesters or the like!

BearBuddies? Yes, bears have friends too! Just like you peoples out there!

Bearennial Christmas? Just what it says. Christmas for the bears and such!!
All year long. Imagine that!! :)
There are reinbears, snowbears and whatever else Trudy may come up with.

Patterns and Kits: LaBears does have a few designs for you to try your own hand at. Wholesalers very welcome! Please contact us to place your order.

Last but not least is MailUs ! Do exactly that. Trudy just loves to hear
from all you bear lovers out there. You will see me and my mailbox
at various stages through out the pages.
Feel free to drop us a line at any time.

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