
Thanksgibbing in Canada

Diz coming up Munday is a speshul day heer in Pot Koldbruin along the Laiks uv Eerie on da planes uv Kanada. We bears knoe diz cuz ebearywun of the big peeplz gets the day off frum working wearever thay works.

Diss haulliday iz kalled Tanksgibbing and apparently it iz to gib tanks to all the fuud that wuz planted in tha last yeer and harvested to bee soled at markets and grossery stores across the planes uv Kanada. Wutt peepls arr gibbing tanks fore wenn its spozed to be peeseful not maiks sense. Wutt Pip??? Reely?? Furrgit bowt gibbing tanks, its spozed to bee gibbing thanks for the fuud, not tanks.

Peeplz all across Kanada get togeddur wiff thair family and frenz and share fuud wiff their nayburrs, some uv which can’t alwaze eat as gud as their nayburs. Peeplz are spozed to give thanks for all the good food they get to eet all year long and for all the speshul peeplz in their lives.

Instedd of having ower Thanksgibbing in Novembrrrr like they do in the Yewknitted Stats of Abearika, we cellerbrate Thanksbigging on the sekund Monday of Oktober ebeary yeer due to the fakt that Kanada iz farther norff and is kolder than down souff. Also, we don’t get to grow food as long up heeer in Kanada so we have ower harvest celebearation sooner than in the Yeknitted Stats.

Even though the polar bears like Brrrrrt and Pippin and Bruford giggle and roll around on da flore, most of uz bears agree, espeshully the ones who hibearnate obur the wintur.

The bestest thing about Thanksgibbing is that there iz lotsa fuud like turkey and ham and slamon and korn on tha kob and rost beaf and honey and pumpkin pize and bunches of other yummy stuff. Mustur Frodo even not seems to mind uz bears being little piggys asking for sekund and third and forth helpings as long as we share wiff ower frends who not always get to eat as well all yeer round.

Eebun though peeplz in the Yewknitted Stats of Abearika and in Canada celebearate Thanksgibbing for diffrent reezuns and at diffrent times, we iz all thankful for all ower frenz and for all the food that we kan harvist during the yeer.

So make shur yu remembur to give thanks to your frenz and family and all the food yu get to eet during the yeer. And give all these speshul peeplz like Mustur Frodo ekstra big huggyz to show how much you are thankful they are there to help you out.

Meriadoc, the Frendly Grizzlee

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